Our Mission
“Magoo and His Magic Poo” is the story of a superhero cat who uses his special “gift” to help animals of another species in an act of kindness.
Our hope is that readers will recognize their own unique gifts and be inspired to use those gifts as a force for good.
Who We Are
H.D. Ronay is a Cannes Lions-winning Creative Director with over twenty years of experience at global ad agencies. He has been fortunate to have won multiple Effies, Webby awards and created Kraft Food’s first Top Ten Super Bowl spot for Planters as ranked by USA Today’s Ad Meter.
His viral video for Kmart was featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America and CNN and was selected by YouTube as one of the “Top 20 Ads of the Past Decade.”
Michael Harring is a CLIO and ADDY award winning illustrator. Over the past fifteen years, Michael’s unique creative touch has helped to shape the campaigns of iconic clients that include Funko, Willie Nelson, and The Last Prisoner Project.
His varied skillset spans illustration, art direction, graphic design and accidental goldfish rescue.
Michael was also once yelled at by Gary Busey.
More about Magoo
Magoo was a black & white butterball biscuit of love. He loved Temptations turkey treats, Momma’s meatloaf, and taking long naps in the sun. He disliked the vacuum, the vet, and the TSA checkpoint at Midway Airport. He has informed us that the book meets his exacting standards and the illustrations accurately capture his exceptional good looks.